Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spring, spring, sprung!

My hibernation is over. It is officially the start of spring in New Zealand, and there are signs of spring everywhere... 

There are clear blue skies, and fresh green leaves and flowers on the trees.

Daffodils and other bulbs are blooming around the neighbourhood. Mum has grown her tulips and daffodils in pots this year because she thought if she put the bulbs in the ground I might dig them up and eat them (many bulbs are poisonous).

We walk past more lambs each day.

My human mum likes to stop, watch their little tails wag and see them bounce across the field as they play. These sheep live nearby and I often hear their voices going "baa baa baa" when I'm outside in my garden.

Mum has also been "spring cleaning" and getting rid of clutter. She says that there is lots to do, and it will take a while but she seems happiest when she is crossing things off her very long list. I wonder if she is going to clean out my toy box and wash me too!

It's nice outside. Sometimes spring days are just meant to be spent in the sunshine doing nothing, but for me the best part of spring is these showers (which are also known as my dad playing with the hose).

Yes the dark days are over, spring is here and I've sprung into action again!



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing your Spring with us!

Those are some furry pawesome pikhs!


Sheila and Bob said...

Bootiful photos, what a beautiful country you live in.
Wish we could see lambs on our walks.

Hamish & Rescue Sophie

Jacqueline said...

Great photos!...You look so happy playing in the water, handsome Riley!...We are moving into a new house next month, so Mom says she understands about cleaning out the clutter!!...Happy Spring, sweet boy...kisses, special friend...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Maxmom said...

Oh Riley...
We are also in the midst of a magical transformation! You are such a beautiful dog, Riley!!!...and you are the epitome of Spring celebrations.
Sending lotsaluv to you and your amazing mom!

Dandy Duke said...

What awesome spring pictures, Riley! We agree - it's wonderful to lay in the sun and absorb those wonderful spring rays!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Wonderful to see you enjoying the change of seasons. We have those long lists here too and it is always a big event to cross things off. Sometimes it is OK to throw out old toys. Makes room for new ones, right?


sprinkles said...

I must admit that I'm a bit envious. The days are getting a bit cooler here already and I've been wishing it was spring again so I could experience spring and summer all over again. I'm really not looking forward to winter.

Mrs. JP said...

Oh, spring is beautiful there. The lambs are gorgeous. Riley, you are so funny it looks like you are dancing in the rain.

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You are a very happy happy pup. Spring is a great time of the year. I wish I can join you there ... love to see some lambs. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

meowmeowmans said...

We think you and your lambs are so cute! Happy spring to you all! :)

the booker man said...

hooray for spring arriving at your house! isn't it so super nice to be able to play outside in the beautimous weather again? i think it's totally way awesome that you live near all those sheepies! they are so fluffy and cute. i would loooove to go visit them and maybe chase them, but don't tell them that part. teehee.
the booker man

Golden Samantha said...

WONDERFUL photos! Oh how Mom dreads Spring cleaning, which often means "dog" stuff cleaning heheh! We're into Fall here and dealing with that!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and crew

Dandy Duke said...

We heard about your earthquake, Riley! Are you okay?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Life of Riley said...

Thanks for asking after me. I’m OK and didn’t feel a thing (as I live in Auckland which is approx 650 miles north of Christchurch), but my mum’s brother and his family live in Queenstown (about 300 miles south-west of Christchurch) were woken at 4.30am by the earthquake. Although two people in Christchurch were seriously injured (by a falling chimney and glass) it is so lucky that no one was killed.

the teacher's pets said...

Thank you so much for being my newest follower! I love your header picture and whoh wouldn't? You are looking adorable and silly at the same time while you "fly"!
I would love to become your newest follower but unfortunately I had a "pop up" each time I clicked the google friend connect button and my antivirus (Stopzilla) won't allow me to follow your blog! I have had numerous viruses and finally installed the Stopzilla yesterday and it seems you have a virus so if you haven't already done so, I suggest you read my post "I've Been in a Pickle" that was posted on 9/11/10 and install an antivirus immediately. There are so many viruses out there and many of us aren't aware we've been infected. So please take care of your blog and please don't add any gadgets on your sidebar unless you really know if those sites are safe!
Love your blog very much!