I know I haven't posted anything for ages (my mum has had some personal stuff to deal with), but whenever we can we have tried to visit your blogs as reading your stories makes us smile.
Enzo and I are both well. We've been hibernating for winter. It is warm inside and our beds are comfy, although we are happy to play outside in the rain too, which is why we sleep with extra towels and easily washable covers on our beds.

Hopefully we will be back to posting about our adventures soon.
In the meantime I thought I'd tell you the biggest black bird flew overhead today... it was above the clouds so all we could see was a dark shadow with a strange sound. It was the first Boeing 787-9 to be delivered in the world. The Dreamliner came to our small country all the way from Seattle! *
My mum, who is not normally a plane spotter, told me way back when the first Concorde came to Auckland and she and her father climbed onto the roof of their house to see it fly over. They weren't mad - other neighbors were standing on their rooftops to to get the best view as the plane circled around Auckland. Then when she worked in London in the late 80's/early 90's every night around seven a Concorde would fly over, so to her it became just another plane. One day there will be more of these big black birds here (as our airline has ordered ten) but for now having one here is somehow really special.
*Video of the plane
landing and inside the bird. Photo above is off the
NZ Herald website