Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hark it's my Christmas bark

Seasons Greetings to you all. It seems that Christmas is almost here, though if the local shops are to be believed the season began at the start of October - two and a half months ago.

Preparations are underway in my big kennel. My humans have even put a tree inside! This is my first “real” Christmas tree.

Normally we go to the beach the week before Christmas (something about escaping the madness of Auckland), but because of work (a concept that I'm still too young to understand) they couldn’t go this year which meant they decided to get a real tree, as the tree wouldn't wilt with the Auckland heat while they were away - if that makes any sense!

My first pine tree smells really nice. So far I haven’t watered it or tried to eat the decorations, but I am still a bit confused as when I go outside I can water the trees out there, but I’m not meant meant to water this one. Only mum is allowed to fill up the stand with tap water.

Yes it is summer here. The days are hot (today it is 27 degrees C / 80 deg. F) and our "New Zealand Christmas Tree" the pohutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa) is in bloom around the neighbourhood

(this is the one in my front garden)

and also lining the shores of many of our beaches. It flowers every summer and looks festive.
(photo off the web - see

'Tis the season of sandy beaches, the smell of suntan lotion and barbeques, swimming, boats across the waves, children playing games on the beach, the sound of cicadas in the trees and lazy days spent doing very little. Many people go camping or to their bach (a bach is the North Island term for a holiday home, traditionally a simple building at the beach but now many are like normal houses. In the South Island of New Zealand a bach is called a crib).

I went to a couple of Christmas parties with special games for dogs like musical mats, relay races, bobbing for toys in a paddling pool, egg and spoon races (we had to run and pull our owners with our leash while they carried a raw egg in a spoon in their other hand), and a game my humans were most proud of me for… a relay race where teams of dogs had to carry a piece of sausage in their mouth, with the team that got the most amount of sausages to the finish line winning. Unlike most of the dogs, I didn’t eat the sausage, so thought it very unfair that mum took out of my mouth at the end of the race, but I did get to eat some pieces of sausage at the barbeque later.

My mum is now up to wrapping presents to put under our tree, talking  to me about the people we are going to see soon and also telling me stories about the others (including her grandparents and her last Golden Retriever) that she still loves and misses but who can't be with us - and explaining to me how many of the special little things we do on Christmas Day are part of traditions from her time with them.

Also there is something called an advent calendar hanging on the dinning room wall, and my humans have been eating little chocolates from it every night. I’m counting down my meals (I have far too many "sleeps" to count them) until the big day when I can find out what is inside my Christmas stocking.

Can you guess which stocking is mine?

I've tried to be good this year, so I'm now spending  my spare time dreaming of what toys Santa-paws might leave me, the joy of shredding wrapping paper, the spoils of Christmas dinner (like turkey which is another strange tradition in NZ as many people have a roast dinner even though it's normally a really hot day – something to do with their English heritage) and I'm also dreaming of seeing my family and friends who are travelling from around the country to see us.

Thank you for reading my posts during my first year of blogging. I have really appreciated all your comments, and enjoy reading your blogs (even though sometimes mum and I get way behind in visiting you - next year we hope to do better) to learn about my new two and four legged friends.

Wishing you all a safe and Merry Christmas filled with peace, happiness and love,



Sheila and Bob said...

And a very Merry Christmas to you Riley and your family.
We have enjoyed your blog and look forward to your adventures in the coming year.
Just to give you a little insight as to what the weather is in the U.S.A., we live near Chicago, right now it is 30 degrees, with about 4 inches on snow on the ground and more expected on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.

Hamish & Rescue Sophie &
Mom & Dad,
Sheila & Bob

Mrs. JP said...

You have a beautiful Christmas tree but I love the ones outside! Wow, they are beautiful.
Riley's stocking is so cute.
Merry Christmas from all of us in the holler.

Dandy Duke said...

Your stocking is the paw and your live Christmas tree is just beautiful, Reilly! We also love your New Zealand Christmas Tree. It's just stunning!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Riley, the rich color of the Christmas tree makes you look all the more handsome!! I've enjoyed my visit to your blog this year too--I've loved reading about your adventures and in this post, I enjoyed reading what you're doing for the holidays. Although it's hard for me to think of anyone else having summer when we are so cold here in Virginia! What a crazy world huh? I do hope you and your family have a wonderful, safe holiday!!!

D.K. Wall said...

That indoor tree thing is confusing. The other rule that Natasha learned many years ago is that the humans prefer the tree to remain standing and not knock it down. Can you imagine?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy HOWLidays to all of woo too!

I'm khurrently snowless in Pawsylvania BUT I do have some furry nice Siberian temps -

It should be -3 or so tonight -

The pikhs of woo with the tree are pawesome!


sprinkles said...

That header just makes me smile every time I see it, Riley!

I had a cat once who tried to climb the tree. When he wasn't doing that, he liked to drink the water from the tree stand. I tried to discourage him from both of those things but he didn't care. Don't remember any of our dogs watering the tree though.

I'm so envious of your warm weather. I just have to remind myself that each day is one day closer to spring and summer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Milo and Jet said...

Merry Christmas Riley we love your Christmas tree it’s very nice we hope you get lots of presents from Santa. From Angus and Milo

Dexter said...

Happy Holidays, Riley! It is great to see you. Your tree looks fantastic. I still am confused by the hot holiday weather you have down under.


ThePainterPack said...

Hope woo has a very Merry Christmas!! Even if woo don't get snow....

Mya Boo Boo

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Riley!

MySpecialDoggies said...

Hi Riley
I hope your Christmas was wonderful and that Santa was good to you.

If you ever want snow, come to Philadelphia - we had a foot yesterday!

Nadine & Neeli
Angel doggie Apples (1994-2010)

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Riley! We hope you had a wonderful, happy, fun Christmas!!

Charlie said...

Merry Christmas, Riley!
- Charlie

Jacqueline said...

Great photos, as always, sweet Riley!...We are very grateful for your friendship this past year, precious friend...We wish you and your family a very Happy and Healthy New Year filled with love and joy...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
PS...Big New Year smoochies to handsome Riley!!...CHS