Thursday, March 17, 2011

“The end of the Golden weather”

Summer is almost over in New Zealand, but mid-February I went on holiday. Eight days of morning swims, long walks, barbeques, sun and sand and best of all lots of time relaxing with my two humans. Bliss.

Then I returned to Auckland and a small four legged thing arrived and has taken over the posts on my blog (as well as my house, my toys, my bed and a lot of my human’s attention). It has even made my dad run away to another country to escape it’s barking, although mum tells me he went for work, but I see a pattern… the puppy arrived, barked and dad went away, dad comes back, the puppy barks and dad left the country again. My dad still hasn’t returned.

Anyway it’s time to blog just about me, and tell you about my last holiday.

Mum, dad and I went to Omaha, on the east cost of the North Island of New Zealand. Omaha is about an hour north of where we live. I’ve been going there ever since I was a puppy so I know this beach well. Let me show it to you…

This is looking towards the northern end of the beach (click on the pictures to make them bigger),

and this is looking towards the southern end of the beach.
The building you see is the surf lifesaving club rooms.

The sand spit runs in a North-South direction and is approx. 3km long so the Eastern side of the beach is really good for walks. On the western side of this sand spit is an estuary with a boat ramp, and lots of nice walks along the water side of the golf course. The mid-day sun is to the north (not like you back to front people who have your mid-day sun to the South).

Are you going to follow me for a closer look?

Which way shall I go?

I know - I will go to my favourite bit ... the waves.

The waves are so much fun. I have to jump and swim over the big ones to get my toy.

While I'm out chasing my toy my mum is looking at the ground to see what patterns and shapes she can find.

These shapes are mine!

I get to meet lots of other dogs on the beach.
In summer dogs are allowed on the beach off-leash before 9am and after 7pm.

There is so much open space for me to run and play!

I love it when dad is about to throw my toy into the water!

 Sometimes we start our beach walks at the southern end,
 and pass this Maori carving guarding the entrance to the beach.

 It often seems like we have the beach just to ourselves.

Here is another Maori carving in the sand dunes.

 A few shells that smell interesting,
and a bit of driftwood.
Time to go into the water again,
which is always done with such style!!!!

My best polar bear impersonation...

I get to play with some of my new friends...

and then it is just me and my shadow.

Back again.  Another morning, another swim
and the chance to watch someone surfing
(although the waves get much bigger than this)

The same beach another morning...

 I never get tired of fetching this.
Every morning we walk up and down the beach.
Mum walks straight, and dad and I zig zag into and out of the water.

 Here I am at the Northern end.

Behind me is a rock wall (to protect the end of the sandbar)
and behind the rocks is the estuary.

Well I hope you enjoyed my beach tour.

Another time I will tell you about some of the
things we did and the places we went after my
morning swims.

Bye for now,


Sheila and Bob said...

Love your pictures, it looks so beautiful and peaceful, we are beginning to enter spring in the US so our weather will slowly warm up.
Really enjoy your blog, photos and tell you Dad he doesn't have to leave the country when your little friend barks..Bol Bol

Hamish & Rescue Sophie

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful adventure. Winter is rapping up here for us and spring is about to start. Crazy how things are so opposite for us!!!

Anya said...

Oh oh Riley
it looks soooo beautiful
and peaceful at the beach.
We love it to see you :-)

Hugs Kareltje & betsie

Duke said...

What beautiful pictures, Riley! We love your polar bear smile!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Maxmom said...

Hey there Riley-buddy,
What a whopping, bumper post! So many amazing pictures - I didn't know which way to look. Tell your mum - thanks for all the trouble she took to share your wonderful beach with us.
It looks like one of the best, most secluded beaches in the world. Your photos are stunning and we love the fact that there are still shells on your beaches. Those Maori carvings are very interesting too.
When Enzo gets too much for you, just think of the beach. Soon he'll be frolicking in the waves with you.
Sending lotsalicks

Amber-Mae said...

What a HUGE AWESOME beach!!! I'm so jealous you got to have fun there. I haven't been to a beach for like 389 years or so & I feel so jelly looking at your pictures, seeing you enjoying yourself at the beach while I sit here in front of the computer & mope. TEE HEE

Looked like you had a TON of fun!

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! LOVE it Riley. What a Golden FUN FUN FUN!! Here winter is almost over n looking forward for spring weather. Golden Thanks for sharing your beach adventure photos. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Mrs. JP said...

I tried really hard to pick out my favorite picture. I had to settle for a whole lot of FAVORITES! One or two made me literally laugh out loud--polar bear impersonation and the one with the toy he fetches and his eyes are closed tight. Such a handsome guy.

Miss Bailey Herself said...

Hello Riley, aren't beaches great? Especially with surf that you can chase! Your blog has inspired my human to create a blog for me as well. Do you have trouble typing; I think my paws are a bit big for the keyboard.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What GReat pikhs!

Thanks SOOOOO furry much fur sharing your special trip!


WFT Nobby said...

Oh those beaches.
Awesome. Made my day.
Toodle pip!

Dexter said...

It always makes me a little dizzy to learn that some of my pals are experiencing the arrival of winter whilst I am celebrating spring. I am so happy you got some quality mom time on vacation. That is important, especially in light of the arrival of the pest.


the booker man said...

hihi riley!

thankies for takin' us on a tour of your totally awesome omaha beach! it's so super pretty and sunshiney wonder you have so much funsies swimmin' and zoomin' and playin' with other doggies! i'd love to see more pics from your vaca. :)
btw, me and asa and mama were gettin' caught up on your bloggie, and your little bro enzo is totally adorable! you are the bestest big bro, and i bet you are teachin' him all the mega important thingies like givin' your hoomans the googley eyes 'n droolies for extra treatsies. teehee.

the booker man

Unknown said...

Oh - I alwys get SO homesick when my Kiwi friends post about the wonderful walks and places they can run free!! There is just nothing like a NZ beach!!!!

I know what you mean, Riley, about having your blog and your life and your humans taken over! Muesli doesn't bark but she sure meows loud enough to drive anybody crazy!!

Honey the Great Dane
ps. LOVED the pictures of Enzo with the flowers in your last post - SO adorable!!